Inside the printer, there have been changes, too, and they concerned the electronics: the printing is now commanded by a 266 MHz processor (unlike 133 MHz in LJ1015), while the speed of printing increased by 4 pages per minute. That's all there is for the changes.
The printer's casing is made of solid ABS-plastic that can be 3 times as strong compared to some other materials. Some elements of the casing are made of special heat-proof plastic PC-ABS. The cartridge responsible for the printing is still the 2,000-pages yield Q2612A produced with Ultraprecise Technology. This technology allows for even greater smoothness of printing.
Still in place is the ceramic heating element (used instead of the halogen lamp in fuser's roller common for many other laser printers) - the essential piece of the technology of fast toner fixing. Using the ceramic heater makes it possible to reduce the warm-up time. Now the first page comes out in just 8 seconds. The reduction of first page out time coupled with instant after-work switch into power-saving mode, noticeably saves energy. Finally, the HP LaserJet 1022n can save as much toner in the toner economy mode as its predecessor - up to 50%.
Paper input commences from either 250-sheet paper tray or 10-sheet priority feed slot. The printer can use transparent films to print on, both input and output trays hold up to 100 films each. Printing speed is claimed to reach 19 pages per minute at actual resolution of 1200 dpi (600x600 dpi using HP REt resolution enhancement technology). The supported paper density varies from 60 to 163 g/sq. m.
Duplex printing is traditionally provided at the drivers level only, you'd have to turn the paper over manually. In the front panel, there are two buttons that control printer - one is to confirm a task, the other is to cancel it. Naturally, the HP LaserJet 1022n supports PCL 5e language and MAC drivers. Additionally, you can upgrade the printer with HP Jetdirect external print server or HP bt1300 Bluetooth adapter.
Printing quality of this printer leaves nothing to be desired. There's no use finding faults with all modern laser printers, they all deliver high quality results and print even tiny 1pt font just great. The toner coverage looks good to the eye and letters outlines are precise.
When in economy mode, the LaserJet 1022n is as good, and the quality of printing remains acceptable. Text becomes bleak, but is still distinguishable up to 4 pt size. As for the gradients, lines and raster image printing, all these details are done with desirable quality.
In whole, the HP LaserJet 1022n perform as great as its predecessor - it's quiet, quick and precise, with independent "editions" of the document being printed.
Printer drivers have not changed a bit compared to the previous printer version, no new functions have appeared. Worth pointing out is the printing mode switcher from FastRes1200 to ProRes 1200 and to 600 dpi, as well as economy mode checkbox.
For the naked eye, there is no difference between the three printing modes. Other functions like zoom, double-side printing and input mode selection are pretty much common and don't deserve more than the three words: it's all there.
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